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Sunday, June 20, 2010

3rd Testimony in Adhaan and Iqaamah = Bid'ah (Innovation)

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السلام عليكم

Salaamun 'Alaykum,

What do I mean by 3rd Testimony in Adhaan and Iqaamah? I am talking about the saying, "أشهد أن علي ولي الله" or any other variation that is said about Imaam 'Alee (AS) during the adhaan.

The first thing I would like to mention is that the issue of the 3rd testimony in the Adhaan/Iqaamah was condemned by ALL major scholars before Al-Majlisi's father (Muhammad Taqee Al-Majlsi) who died in the year 1080 AH (See: Al-Majlisi I, RawDah Al-Muttaqoon). Al-Majlisi backed up his father and said that doing this 3rd testimony in the adhaan / iqaamah is a great act.

So for 1000 years, this issue was either condemned, called a bid'ah, calling the people who do this action a form of ghullah (exaggerator), or simply hasn't even been mentioned in their books(for it wasn't important).

There are 0 (zero) SaHeeH hadeeth from Shee'ah books that says that it is permissible to add the 3rd testimony in Adhaan or Iqaamah. Or ANY hadeeth that says that it is mustahab (recommended), or anything that says "do it with the intention of it NOT being part of the adhaan/iqaamah". None. Zero. Nada.

I would like to narrate a muwaththaq (reliable) hadeeth directly from Imaam Muhammad Al-Baaqir (AS) where he talks about how many parts / phrases are in the Adhaan.
عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عِيسَى بْنِ عُبَيْدٍ عَنْ يُونُسَ عَنْ أَبَانِ بْنِ عُثْمَانَ عَنْ إِسْمَاعِيلَ الْجُعْفِيِّ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا جَعْفَرٍ ع يَقُولُ الْأَذَانُ وَ الْإِقَامَةُ خَمْسَةٌ وَ ثَلَاثُونَ حَرْفاً فَعَدَّ ذَلِكَ بِيَدِهِ وَاحِداً وَاحِداً الْأَذَانَ ثَمَانِيَةَ عَشَرَ حَرْفاً وَ الْإِقَامَةَ سَبْعَةَ عَشَرَ حَرْفاً
He (AS) said: The Adhaan and the Iqaamah have 35 characters/parts, just check it by his hand one by one, the adhaan has 18 characters/parts and the Iqaamah has 17 characters/parts."
· Al-Kaafi, Al-Kulaynee, vol. 3, pg. 302 - 303, hadeeth # 3
· Al-Majlisi has said this hadeeth is Muwwaththaq (Reliable)
--> Mir'aat Al-'Uqool, vol. 15, pg. 82

Now if you were to add the 3rd testimony in the Adhaan & Iqaamah, the Adhaan would consist of 20 part and the Iqaamah would consist of19 parts. These two combined would make it 39 parts, and as you can see the Imaam (AS) never said anything about that.
Let us look to the major scholars of Shee'ah Islaam pre-Majlisis.

(Taken from my personal copy of Al-Sadooq's Man Laa YaHDuruh Al-Faqeeh, vol. 1, Chapter: Adhaan and Iqaamah, Etiquettes of Women in Salaah, pg. 112 - 113)

1.) Here is what Al-Sadooq (d. 381 AH) has said concerning the 3rd testimony. Here are his actual words.
هَذَا هُوَ الْأَذَانُ الصَّحِيحُ لَا يُزَادُ فِيهِ وَ لَا يُنْقَصُ مِنْهُ وَ الْمُفَوِّضَةُ لَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ قَدْ وَضَعُوا أَخْبَاراً وَ زَادُوا فِي الْأَذَانِ مُحَمَّدٌ وَ آلُ مُحَمَّدٍ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ مَرَّتَيْنِ وَ فِي بَعْضِ رِوَايَاتِهِمْ بَعْدَ أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُولُ اللَّهِ أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ عَلِيّاً وَلِيُّ اللَّهِ مَرَّتَيْنِ وَ مِنْهُمْ مَنْ رَوَى بَدَلَ ذَلِكَ أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ عَلِيّاً أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ حَقّاً مَرَّتَيْنِ وَ لَا شَكَّ فِي أَنَّ عَلِيّاً وَلِيُّ اللَّهِ وَ أَنَّهُ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ حَقّاً وَ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً وَ آلَهُ صَلَوَاتُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ وَ لَكِنْ لَيْسَ ذَلِكَ فِي أَصْلِ الْأَذَانِ وَ إِنَّمَا ذَكَرْتُ ذَلِكَ لِيُعْرَفَ بِهَذِهِ الزِّيَادَةِ الْمُتَّهَمُونَ بِالتَّفْوِيضِ الْمُدَلِّسُونَ أَنْفُسَهُمْ فِي جُمْلَتِنَا
Translation: "This is the Authentic / Correct (SaHeeH) adhaan; nothing is to be added or subtracted from it. The mufawwidah's (form of ghullah), may Allaah curse them, have fabricated traditions and have added to the adhaan مُحَمَّدٌ وَ آلُ مُحَمَّدٍ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ (Muhammad and the family of Muhammad are the best of mankind) twice. In some of their traditions, after saying أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُولُ اللَّهِ (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allaah) (they add) أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ عَلِيّاً وَلِيُّ اللَّهِ (I bear witness that 'Alee is the Walee of Allaah) twice. Among them there are others who narrate this أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ عَلِيّاً أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ (I bear witness that 'Alee is the commander of the faithfull) twice. There is NO doubt that 'Alee is the walee of God and that he is the true commander of the faithful and that Muhammad and his family, peace be upon them, are the best of creatures. However, that is not [part] of the original adhaan. I have mentioned this so that those who have been accused of concocting tafweed and have insulated themselves in our ranks should be known."
1. Al-Sadooq, Man Laa YaHduruh Al-Faqeeh, vol. 1, pg. 290 - 291

2.) Here is what Al-Mufeed (d. 413 AH) had to say about the Adhaan. (he doesn't even mention the 3rd testimony at all!)

و الأذان و الإقامة خمسة و ثلاثون فصلا الأذان ثمانية عشر فصلا و الإقامة سبعة عشر فصلا
Translation: "And the Adhaan & Iqaamah has 35 parts, the Adhaan has 18 parts and the Iqaamah has 17 parts"
1. Al-Mufeed, Al-Muqnee'ah, vol. 1, pg. 100

3a.) Here is what Al-Toosi (d. 460 AH) had to say about the 3rd testimony in the adhaan.

و أمّا ما روي في شواذّ الأخبار من قول: «أشهد انّ عليا وليّ اللّه و آل محمّد خير البريّة» فممّا لا يعمل عليه في الأذان و الإقامة. فمن عمل بها كان مخطئا
Translation: "The are some odd (shaadh) reports of saying أشهد انّ عليا وليّ اللّه and آل محمّد خير البريّة. You must NOT do it in the Adhaan and Iqaamah. And whoever does this action is in mukhTi (error)"
1. Al-Toosi, Al-Nihaayah fee Mujarrad Al-Fiqh wa Al-Fataawaa, pg. 69

3b.) Here is another quote from Al-Toosi regarding the 3rd testimony in Adhaan.

أنه ليس من فضيلة الأذان و لإكمال فصوله
Translation: It is not from amongst the faDeelah (recommended parts) of Adhaan and it doesn't make it more complete (Kaamil)
1. Al-Toosi, Al-MabsooT fee Fiqh Al-Imaamiyyah, vol. 1, pg. 99

4a.) Another source where Al-Muhaqqiq Al-Hillee (d. 767 AH) talks about the adhaan & iqaamah but doesn't even mention the 3rd testimony

و الأذان على الأشهر ثمانية عشر فصلا التكبير أربع و الشهادة بالتوحيد ثم بالرسالة ثم يقول حي على الصلاة ثم حي على الفلاح ثم حي على خير العمل و التكبير بعده ثم التهليل كل فصل مرتان
Translation: The adhaan has 18 parts: Takbeer 4 times, Witnessing to Tawheed, (Witnessing) to the Prophethood, Hayya 'Ala Salaah, Hayyah 'Ala FlaaH, Hayyah 'Ala Khayrul 'Amal, Takbeer all of these have to be done twice.
1. Al-Muhaqqiq Al-Hillee, Sharaa-'i Al-Islaam Fee Masaa-il Al-Halaal wa Al-Haraam, vol. 1, pg. 65

4b.) Here is what Al-Muhaqqiq Al-Hillee had to say about anything added to the adhaan & iqaamah (he mentions the adhaan & iqaamah and the 3rd testimony is not there)
Chapter Title is
الأذان ثمانية عشر، و الإقامة سبعة عشر (The Adhaan has 18 (parts), and the Iqaamah has 17 (parts)

و ما يقال من الزيادة عن ذلك بدعة
Translation: "And anything that is added to this (adhaan & iqaamah) is a bid'ah"
1. Al-Muhaqqiq Al-Hillee, Al-Mu'tabar fee sharH Al-MukhtaSar, pg. 141

5.) Here is what 'Allaamah Hillee (d. 726 AH) has said about the 3rd testimony in the Adhaan and Iqaamah

و لا يجوز قول «إن عليا ولي اللَّه» و «آل محمد خير البرية» في فصول الآذان، لعدم مشروعيته
Translation: "And it is NOT permissible to say إن عليا ولي اللَّه and آل محمد خير البرية since there is no ruling for it in the sharee'ah"
1. 'Allaamah Hilli, Nihaayah Al-aHkaam fee ma'rifah al-aHkaam, vol. 1, pg. 412

6.) Here is what Shaheed Al-Awwal (d. 786 AH) has said about the 3rd testimony in Adhaan.

وَ لَا يَجُوزُ اعْتِقَادُ شَرْعِيَّةِ غَيْرِ هَذِهِ فِي الْأَذَانِ وَ الْإِقَامَةِ كَالتَّشَهُّدِ بِالْوِلَايَةِ وَ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً وَ آلَهِ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ وَ إِنْ كَانَ الْوَاقِعُ كَذَلِكَ
Translation: "It is NOT permissible to believe in the legitimacy of Witnessing the Wilaayah of 'Alee and "Muhammad wa Aalih Khayrul Bariyyah" in the adhaan and iqaamah, even though these events are factual!
1. Shaheed Al-Awwal, Al-Lum'ah Al-Dimashqiyyah, pg. 37

7a.) Here is what Shaheed Al-Thaanee (d. 966 AH) has said about 3rd testimony in Adhaan.

و لا يجوز اعتقاد شرعية غير هذه الفصول- في الأذان و الإقامة كالتشهد بالولاية لعلي ع و أن محمدا و آله خير البرية أو خير البشر- و إن كان الواقع كذلك فما كل واقع حقا يجوز إدخاله في العبادات الموظفة شرعا المحدودة من الله تعالى فيكون إدخال ذلك فيها بدعة و تشريعا كما لو زاد في الصلاة ركعة أو تشهدا أو نحو ذلك من العبادات و بالجملة فذلك من أحكام الإيمان لا من فصول الأذان
Translation: It is NOT permissible to believe in legitimacy of other parts in adhaan and iqaamah, like witnessing to wilaayah of 'Alee and "muhammad wa aalihi khayrul bariyyah". As not EVERY factual reality can be inserted into the legally prescribed rituals ('ibaadaat), specified by the Allaah (SWT), since inserting theses things will be regarded as bi'dah and legislation, similar to addition of a rak'ah or tashahhud or alike things to the acts of worship ('ibaadaat)"
1. Shaheed Al-Thaanee, Al-RawDah Al-Bahiyyah fee SharH Al-Lum'ah Al-Dimashqiyyah, vol. 1, pg. 70
2. Shaheed Al-Thaanee, Al-RawDah Al-Bahiyyah fee SharH Al-Lum'ah Al-Dimashqiyyah, vol. 1, pg. 573
3. Muhammad Jawaad Mughniyyah, Fiqh Al-Imaam Al-Saadiq, vol. 1, pg. 175

7b.) Another source for Shaheed Al-Thaanee talking about 3rd testimony in Adhaan & Iqaamah

و أمّا إضافة «أنّ عليّاً وليّ اللّه»، و «آل محمّد خير البريّة» و نحو ذلك فبدعة، و أخبارها موضوعة
Translation: "And addition (to the adhaan & iqaamah) of عليّاً وليّ اللّه and آل محمّد خير البريّة is a bid'ah and the narrations regarding it (3rd testimony) is mawDoo' (fabricated)."
1. Shaheed Al-Thaanee, Al-RawDah Al-Jinaan fee sharH Irshaad Al-Adhhaan, vol. 2, pg. 646

8.) Here is what Al-Muqqadis Al-Ardabillee (d. 993 AH) has said regarding the 3rd testimony (he has said this after he quotes Al-Sadooq calling them MufawwiDas)

فينبغي اتباعه لأنه الحق، و لهذا يشنع على الثاني بالتغيير في الأذان الذي كان في زمانه صلى الله عليه و آله فلا ينبغي ارتكاب مثله مع التشنيع عليه
Rough Translation: Since the shee'ahs condemn the 2nd ('Umar) for adding to the Adhaan that wasn't during the time of the Prophet, it is improper for them to emulate such an act (by adding the 3rd testimony).
1. Al-Muqqadis Al-Ardabillee (d. 993 AH), Majma' Al-Faa-idah wa Al-Burhaan fee SharH Irshaad Al-Adhhaan, vol. 2, pg. 181

Now, look at what a during the time of Al-Majlisi, after he said it is okay to put it in the Adhaan.

9.) Here is what Al-Muhaqqiq Al-Sabzawaaree (d. 1090 AH) had to say about the 3rd testimony in Adhaan.

و أمّا إضافة أنّ عليّا وليّ اللَّه و آل محمّد خير البريّة و أمثال ذلك فقد صرّح الأصحاب بكونها بدعة و إن كان حقّا صحيحا إذ الكلام في دخولها في الأذان و هو موقوف على التوقيف الشرعي و لم يثب
Translation: "And about adding the أنّ عليّا وليّ اللَّه and آل محمّد خير البريّة , the jurists have clearly stated that this is a bid'ah. And the statement is true. But adding it to the adhaan is dependent upon its divine ordainment. (al-tawqeef al-shar'ee)"
1. Al-Sabzawaareee (d. 1090), Dhakheerah Al-Ma'aad fee sharH Al-Irshaad, vol. 2, pg. 244

As you can see, our major scholars that came before the Al-Majlisis condemned this action.

Even Al-Khomeinee talks about the aHaadeeth that allude to the 3rd testimony in Adhaan and Iqaamah.

"In some Da'eef (untrustworthy / weak) narratives it is stated that after testifying to the Messengership in the adhan one is to say: "I testify that 'Ali is waliyullah (Allah's friend)" twice. In other narratives, one is to say: "I testify that 'Ali is truly Amirul Mu'minin" twice. In some others, one is to say: "Muhammad and his progeny are the best of people". Ash-Shaykh as-Saduq(may Allah have mercy upon him) took these narratives to be invented and he denied them. It is well known among the 'ulama' (may Allah be pleased with them) that these narratives are not reliable."
· Khomeinee, Adaab Al-Salaah, Discourse 3, Ch. 4

But unfortunately, even after Al-Khomeinee admits there are no SaHeeH hadeeth about this,
he tries to present a hadeeth, the very same hadeeth that Al-Majlisi has used to add the 3rd
testimony in Adhaan. Here is the hadeeth.

و روى القاسم بن معاوية قال قلت لأبي عبد الله ع هؤلاء يروون حديثا في معراجهم أنه لما أسري برسول الله رأى على العرش مكتوبا لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله أبو بكر الصديق فقال سبحان الله غيروا كل شي‏ء حتى هذا قلت نعم قال إن الله عز و جل لما خلق العرش كتب عليه لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله عز و جل الماء كتب في مجراه لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله عز و جل الكرسي كتب على قوائمه لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله عز و جل اللوح كتب فيه لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله إسرافيل كتب على جبهته لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله جبرئيل كتب على جناحيه لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله عز و جل السماوات كتب في أكنافها لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله عز و جل الأرضين كتب في أطباقها لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله عز و جل الجبال كتب في رءوسها لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله عز و جل الشمس كتب عليها لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و لما خلق الله عز و جل القمر كتب عليه لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله علي أمير المؤمنين و هو السواد الذي ترونه في القمر فإذا قال أحدكم لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله فليقل علي أمير المؤمنين
Translation: I said to Aboo 'Abd Allaah (6th Imaam), that they (sunnees) trasmit a tradtion in their [books about] mi'raaj, that when the Prophet (SAWAS) was taken on the night of ascension he saw writing on the throne which read, "There is no God, but Allaah, Muhammad is the Prophet of God and Aboo Bakr is the truthful one." Imaam Al-Saadiq (AS) said: "SubHaanallaah (Glory be to Allaah), they have changed EVERYTHING including this?" Al-Qaasim said: "Yes", Imaam Saadiq (AS) said: "When Allaah (SWT), created the throne he wrote on it: "There is no god, but Allaah and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allaah and 'Alee is Ameer Al-Mu-mineen......the tradtion goes on until Imaam Saadiq (AS) at the end says this..."Whenever one of you recites the Shahadatayn, say 'Alee is Ameer Al-Mu'mineen."
1. Al-Tabarasee, Al-Ihtijaaj, vol. 1, pg. 158
2. Al-Majlisi, Bihaar Al-Anwaar, vol. 27, ch. 10, pg. 1, hadeeth #1
3. Al-Majlisi, Bihaar Al-Anwaar, vol. 81, ch. 13, pg. 112, hadeeth #1

There are A LOT of things wrong with this hadeeth itself and the way it is used as a proof (for 3rd testimony):
1. This hadeeth is not found in any other book before Al-Tabarasee narrates it in his book (Al-Ihtijaaj).
2. There is no sanad (chain of narrators) that is accompanied with this hadeeth, just the primary narrator
3. The primary narrator is HIGHLY majhool (unknown)
a. There are 0 (zero) hadeeth from this specific narrator in our Kutub Al-Arba’ (Al-Kaafi, Al-Faqeeh, Tahdheeb & Al-IstibSaar) or Wasaa-il Al-Shee’ah
b. The ONLY hadeeth that is narrated from this narrator is this specific hadeeth

It is very unlikely that a person just appears and narrates a lengthy hadeeth like this and then disappears. Since this hadeeth is talking against the Sunnees and Aboo Bakr, it would seem that the companion had to be VERY close to the Imaam (AS), that he would trust him. Usually our Imaams (AS) would do taqiyyah (dissimulation), and only narrate such hadeeth with their close companions.

One thing to note, this hadeeth has NOTHING to do with Adhaan and Iqaamah. In order to "add" things into you 'ibaadah, you must have tawqeef (divine ordainment), meaning there has to be a SaHeeH hadeeth from the Prophet (SAWAS) or the Imaams (AS) that allow this.
In conclusion, doing the 3rd testimony in the adhaan / iqaamah is reprehensible bid'ah (innovation), that must be stopped immediately. Doesn't matter what "intention" you say it. A bid'ah is a bid'ah.

Wa 'Alaykum Assalaam


  1. It is bidahtul Hassanah- as Umar (ra) reported to have said about tarawiah.

  2. Yes i think this still here more to "different" from the majority i believe rather than deen unfortunately.

    1. apne maqsad ke liye hadees ko unknown sabit kar diya apne wasayelush shia ka hawal dia h usme to azan ki fusul 38 hain ab boliye kya kahiyega

  3. Baqir Majlisi further corrupted the shia.

    Baqir Majlisi says "There is nothing left between us and the Arabs but slaughter"

  4. salam

    the first hadith posted by nader is weak because of mohamed ibn issa ibn ubaid (the man is such a decever and big liar and he managed to fool some of our scholars but he was exposed by sheikh ibn alwaleed and others and also sheikh tusi )

    but yes adhan doesn't include the third shahadah and it is indeed a bid'a and we have sahih hadiths confirming the right adhan without it.


  5. Salam,

    I was wondering that you have posted some very strong ahdith going against the inclusion of the third testimony, so what would you have to say about marja's like ayt. sistani and ayt. khamenie allowing it? if you have asked them on this matter, i would be grateful if you shared it here.
    Apart from that it would also be great if you could state how you have determined these ahdith to be strong or weak.

  6. Sister Farwa,

    I, myself, haven't determined if these aHaadeeth are authentic or weak, but `Allaamah Al-Majlisi, compiler of Bihaar Al-Anwaar have stated that the hadeeth is authentic, not me.

    welcome to the blog, I hope you enjoy reading the various articles!

  7. Nader bro ...!

    now a days some people are reciting عَلِيّاً وَلِيُّ اللَّهِ even in TASHOD...specially in PAKISTAN

    and this is very wrong , so also look into this matter and give me ahadith regarding this TOPIC ... plz

  8. The only source that mentions 3rd testimony in tashahhud is from the book called Fiqh Al-RiDaa (sometimes called Fiqh Al-RaDawee), which is considered to be a fabrication upon the name of Imaam Al-RiDaa (AS). Some people say that it was the book of Al-Sadooq's father, but when you look at Rijaal books you never see any mention of this book under the books that he authored.

    It seems as if the first time this book appeared is during the Safawid dynasty. Al-Majlisi doesnt' give the tareeq (path) on how he has received this book, which previous scholars. So for us to analyze that is impossible.

    Also, in this book in the wuDoo portion it is said for the person to "wash" his feet. Which is of course against the very beliefs of the shee`ah, we are suppose to "wipe" as the Qur'aan has ordered us to.

    So since the only shee`ah hadeeth that talks about 3rd testimony stems from a book that is either considered a fabrication or not authentic, then this is automatically considered weak.


    i found this link while searching about 3rd testimony in tashahud...

    mostly the tradition quoted by people is:

    قال امام صادق علیه السلام : اذا قال احدكم لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله فلیقل علی امیر المومنین ولی الله.

    Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) says: “When any one from you says ‘La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadan Rasool Allah” then he must say ‘Alian Wali Allah’.

    [Ref: Al-Ehtejaaj Vol: 1 Pg: 230 / Bihar Al Anwar Vol: 27 Hadees: 1]


    and there also included a NOTE ON THE AUTHENTICITY OF ""Fiqh Ar Raza ""

    Bro i am a student and beleive that 3rd testimony is Bidah but when i find these traditions so it create confusions ... why our some ULEMAS are so ignorant ..!!

    1. This narration is hujjah on us and there are so many other narrations which talk about how the whole of the prophets bore witness to 3rd shahadat and how Ali (as) is the essence of adhaan and salah itself. The problem with Mr. Zaveri and his likes is that they love to weaken everything in the light of Ilm e rijaal. But on the contrary to these narrations, the opponents of 3rd testimony cannot bring any other narrations which condemn those who recite 3rd shahadat.

  10. Brother Adeel, I have already taken out this tradition that the people quote from iHtijaaj, and I talked about the weakness. I wouldn't say our `ulemaa are ignorant, they know of the opinions of our classical scholars.

  11. I am happy that I came across this blog concering the 3rd kalimah in the adhan because I have been wondering about it since I became aware that there were different opinions about it. Now, I intend to believe that it is a bid'ah too. I usaully hear brother's justification on this and why the scholars allow this is because for about 90 years, the Ummayads use to curse Ali's name in their khutbahs. But when you reflect on this, non of the Imams has authorized this. The statement is true, concerning Ali's status, but it should not be use to replace the Sunnah of Allah and His Prophet for Allah says"....wa lan tadila li-sunnatillahi tabdeel." "... and never shalt thou find in the sunnah of Allah any change" 33:62. I pray to Allah to keep me on the straight path.

  12. That is great brother. Check out other blog posts brother. I talk about other bid`ah and many other sunan acts that have been lost.

  13. Nader Brother.
    You are indirectly calling Al Majlisi a Person who allows a Bida, yet you are taking his gradings about Ahadith all over your website.
    What makes you so sure he didnt do Bida in this too?
    Isnt that some sort of hypocracy in your humble opinion?

  14. No, this is not hypocritical. I am merely giving the gradings of his hadeeth. Every single hadeeth that al-Majlisi grades, I have double checked the gradings myself. I just put al-Majlisi's grading, so people can see a scholars grading, and not just me saying such and such is SaHeeH.

  15. The only reply I would like to add here is:

    Our Maraje keraam are far more learned and deeply delved in knowledge and experience than you or anyone else who writes such blogs.

    It is impossible to even consider for a moment that our Ulamae keraam would allow an innovation to continue. Hence it becomes incumbent upon you to go and ask them reasons behind their fatawa. This should be the only approach if your intention is not to divide muslim ummah.


  16. dear Nader Zaveri , i dont know whether to appreciate you for the blog or diaasociate myself from your biased writing

  17. Dear Mr. Nader

    Our current marjeh are more literate then you and possess more knowledge than you. They have attained education for decades and than obtained the right of calling themselves a marjeh.

    They are well aware than of you of all the practices followed by Shia Muslims around the globe as a lot of shia scholars from different countries visit them daily.

    You by just conducting small research and just for few days, does not possess the right of writing blogs that can create divided opinions and tensions among shia muslims.

    If it would have been a bidat our current marjeh would have already issued a fatwa asking shia muslims to refrain themselves for this act.

    And, if you really think you are right of what you said, get us a fatwa attested by any of the current marjeh.


  18. Salam,

    I want to share this brother, it's an excerpt dua from the book "Prayers Of The Final Prophet" #19. HIS DHIKR WHEN HE HEARD THE ADHÀN, Compiled by 'Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Taba’taba’i
    Translated by Tahir Ridha Jaffer.

    This might help brother Nader. From the dua of the Prophet(s) when "Adhan" was finished, the Noble Prophet(s.a.w.a.)called it a "perfect call" so no more no less.
    #53. In al-Da'aim: It has been narrated to us from 'Ali ibn al-Husayn(A.S.)
    that when the Noble Prophet heard the 'Adhan, he would
    repeat what the mua’dhin said, and when he said:

    Hurry to the prayer. Hurry to success. Hurry to the best of actions,he said: There is no power and no might but by (the will of) Allah.

    And when the call to prayer was completed, he said: O Allah! Lord of this perfect call and established prayer,
    grant Muhammad his request on the day of Judgment, and raise his status to the means of reaching paradise and
    accept his intercession for his Ummah.(60)

    Notes for Section Two

    (60)Da'aaim al-Islam 1:145, Fayd al-Qadir 5:143

  19. Funny how the writer didnt state whether the hadith is authentic or not from sources he doesnt like.

  20. ash hadu anna ameeral mumineen ali ibne abi taalib

  21. The third testimony is a not a Bid'a
    Thats an insult to the Imams!
