I have previously discussed the weakness of the oft-repeated story of Narjis, mother of the 12th Imaam. I showed that the narration that states that she (Narjis) was a Roman princess sold to Imaam al-`Askari (عليه السلام) is mawDoo` (Fabricated) (Click here to go read that post).
I did some more research about the origins of the mother of our Imaam (عليه السلام), and I came across this SaHeeH (Authentic) hadeeth. According to this hadeeth, our 12th Imaam’s mother was a black bondswoman (female slave). After mentioning this narration, I will discuss one of the narrators (Yazeed Aboo Khaalid al-Kunaasee).
أخبرنا أحمد بن محمد بن سعيد ابن عقدة قال حدثنا محمد بن المفضل بن قيس بن رمانة الأشعري و سعدان بن إسحاق بن سعيد و أحمد بن الحسين بن عبد الملك و محمد بن الحسن القطواني قالوا جميعا حدثنا الحسن بن محبوب الزراد عن هشام بن سالم عن يزيد الكناسي قال سمعت أبا جعفر محمد بن علي الباقر ع يقول إن صاحب هذا الأمر فيه شبه من يوسف ابن أمة سوداء يصلح الله عز و جل له أمره في ليلة واحدة
From Yazeed al-Kunaasee said, I heard Abaa Ja`far Muhammad bin `Alee al-Baaqir (عليه السلام), he said: “Verily, the master of this affair (i.e. al-Qaa’im) in him is resemblance of Yoosuf (عليه السلام), he is the son of a black bondswoman (female slave), and Allaah (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ) will reform his affair in one night”
1. Al-Nu`maani, Kitaab al-Ghaybah, ch. 13, pg. 228, hadeeth # 8
2. Al-Nu`maani, Kitaab al-Ghaybah, pg. 163, hadeeth # 3
Here is the same hadeeth going through a different chain of narrators. The only weakness in this hadeeth is `Abd al-WaaHid bin Muhammad bin `Abdoos (عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس), the shaykh of al-Sadooq. Al-Sadooq did say (رضي الله عنه) after mentioning his name, some scholars do take that as tawtheeq (proof of authenticity), but al-Khoei does not.
حدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا أبو عمرو الكشي قال حدثنا محمد بن مسعود قال حدثنا علي بن محمد القمي عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى عن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن أبي أحمد الأزدي عن ضريس الكناسي قال سمعت أبا جعفر ع يقول إن صاحب هذا الأمر فيه سنة من يوسف ابن أمة سوداء يصلح الله عز و جل أمره في ليلة واحدة
From Durays al-Kunaasee said, I heard Abaa Ja`far (عليه السلام) he said: “Verily, the Master of this affair (i.e. al-Qaa’im) in him is the tradition of Yoosuf (عليه السلام), he is the son of a black bondswoman (female slave), and Allaah (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ) will reform his affair in one night”
1. Al-Sadooq, Kamaal al-Deen, vol. 1, ch. 32, pg. 329, hadeeth # 12
Yazeed Aboo Khaalid al-Kunaasee is actually Yazeed Aboo Khaalid al-QammaaT. Al-Barqi in his Rijaal did put them as two different people, but this is a common mistake made by some Rijaal scholars. Majority of our prominent `ulemaa have taken Yazeed al-Kunaasee as thiqah (trustworthy) because of him actually being Yazeed Aboo Khaalid al-QammaaT, who has been given tawtheeq from al-Najaashi (see: al-Najaashi, Rijaal, pg. 452, person # 1223)
Scholars who have taken Yazeed al-Kunaasee’s narrations:
1. Al-Majlisi, Mir’aat al-`Uqool, vol. 4, pg. 244:
و أبو خالد كنية ليزيد الكناسي، و الظاهر أنه القماط الثقة، فالظاهر أن الخبر صحيح.
“And Aboo Khaalid, his kunya, is Yazeed al-Kunaasee, it is apparent that he is al-Qammaat and he is thiqah, and it is apparent that his khabar (hadeeth) is SaHeeH”
و أبو خالد كنية ليزيد الكناسي، و الظاهر أنه القماط الثقة، فالظاهر أن الخبر صحيح.
“And Aboo Khaalid, his kunya, is Yazeed al-Kunaasee, it is apparent that he is al-Qammaat and he is thiqah, and it is apparent that his khabar (hadeeth) is SaHeeH”
2. al-Khoei, Mubaanee Takmalah al-Manhaaj, vol. 41, pg. 207; Mawsoo`ah Imaam al-Khoei, vol. 32, pg. 311:
(منها:) صحيحة يزيد الكناسي عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام)
“And the SaHeeH (narration of) Yazeed al-Kunaasee from Abee Ja`far”
و صحيحة يزيد الكناسي، قال:
“And the SaHeeH (narration of) Yazeed al-Kunaasee from Abee Ja`far”
و صحيحة يزيد الكناسي، قال:
“And the SaHeeH (nattation of) Yazeed al-Kunaasee”
3. al-Ardabeelee, Majma` al-Faa’idah, vol. 11, pg. 413:
و يدل عليه أيضا ما في صحيحة يزيد الكناسي المتقدّمة:
“And it shows upon it also what is in the SaHeeH (narration) of Yazeed al-Kunaasee”
و يدل عليه أيضا ما في صحيحة يزيد الكناسي المتقدّمة:
“And it shows upon it also what is in the SaHeeH (narration) of Yazeed al-Kunaasee”
4. BaHr al-`Uloom, al-Fawaaid al-Rijaaliyyah, 4, pg. 54:
يزيد الكناسي، أبو خالد يزيد القماط الثقة، الثقة. ويؤيد الاتحاد: اتحاد الاسم والكنية ان الشيخ ذكر (الكناسي) في (رجاله) ولم يذكر (القماط) (3) والنجاشي ذكر (القماط) ولم يذكر (الكناسي)
“Yazeed al-Kunaasee, Aboo Khaalid Yazeed al-Qammaat is thiqah, because their name and kunya is joined (together). Al-Shaykh (al-Toosi) mentions al-Kunaasee in his Rijaal, and does not mention al-Qammaat, while al-Najaashi mentions al-Qammaat and does not mention al-Kunaasee”
يزيد الكناسي، أبو خالد يزيد القماط الثقة، الثقة. ويؤيد الاتحاد: اتحاد الاسم والكنية ان الشيخ ذكر (الكناسي) في (رجاله) ولم يذكر (القماط) (3) والنجاشي ذكر (القماط) ولم يذكر (الكناسي)
“Yazeed al-Kunaasee, Aboo Khaalid Yazeed al-Qammaat is thiqah, because their name and kunya is joined (together). Al-Shaykh (al-Toosi) mentions al-Kunaasee in his Rijaal, and does not mention al-Qammaat, while al-Najaashi mentions al-Qammaat and does not mention al-Kunaasee”
5. Al-RooHaani, Fiqh al-Saadiq, vol. 22:
ما يدل على الجواز في خصوص طلاق العدة كحسن يزيد الكناسي
“And it shows upon the permissibility in respect to the `iddah in talaaq in the Hasan (narration of) Yazeed al-Kunaasee”
ما يدل على الجواز في خصوص طلاق العدة كحسن يزيد الكناسي
“And it shows upon the permissibility in respect to the `iddah in talaaq in the Hasan (narration of) Yazeed al-Kunaasee”
6. Sayyid Muhammad Tabataba’I, al-Munaahil, pg. 81:
و هو يزيد الكناسى فى الروايتين صحيح و اما يزيد الكناسى فان كان هو ابا خالد يزيد القماط الثقة فالحديث صحيح و يؤيد الاتحاد اتحاد الاسم و الكنية و ان الشيخ ذكر الكناسى فى رجاله و لم يذكر القماط و النجاشى ذكر القماط و لم يذكر الكناسى
“And he is Yazeed al-Kunaasee in the two SaHeeH riwaayah, as for Yazeed al-Kunaasee, he is Abaa Khaalid al-Qammaat, who is thiqah (trustworthy), and his hadeeth is SaHeeH, and it is supported by their name and kunya being joined, because al-Shaykh (al-Toosi) mention al-Kunaasee in his Rijaal and he does not mention al-Qammaat, while al-Najaashi mentions al-Qammaat and does not mention al-Kunaasee”
“And he is Yazeed al-Kunaasee in the two SaHeeH riwaayah, as for Yazeed al-Kunaasee, he is Abaa Khaalid al-Qammaat, who is thiqah (trustworthy), and his hadeeth is SaHeeH, and it is supported by their name and kunya being joined, because al-Shaykh (al-Toosi) mention al-Kunaasee in his Rijaal and he does not mention al-Qammaat, while al-Najaashi mentions al-Qammaat and does not mention al-Kunaasee”
7. MuHsin al-Hakeem, Mustamsak al-`Urwah al-Wuthqa, vol. 14, pg. 143
There are many more scholars who have taken Yazeed al-Kunaasee’s hadeeth has SaHeeH, I have merely mentioned the big names from them. According to this hadeeth, our 12th Imaam’s mother was a black bondswoman (female slave).
Wallaahu A`lim.