Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Honor of the Shia

Here is a SaHeeH (Authentic) hadeeth that discusses the great honor the Shī`ahs are held at, and what are the characteristics of the shī`ahs.

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثني عبد الله بن جعفر عن أحمد بن محمد عن ابن أبي نجران قال سمعت أبا الحسن ع يقول من عادى شيعتنا فقد عادانا و من والاهم فقد والانا لأنهم منا خلقوا من طينتنا من أحبهم فهو منا و من أبغضهم فليس منا شيعتنا ينظرون بنور الله و يتقلبون في رحمة الله و يفوزون بكرامة الله ما من أحد من شيعتنا يمرض إلا مرضنا لمرضه و لا اغتم إلا اغتممنا لغمه و لا يفرح إلا فرحنا لفرحه و لا يغيب عنا أحد من شيعتنا أين كان في شرق الأرض أو غربها و من ترك من شيعتنا دينا فهو علينا و من ترك منهم مالا فهو لورثته
From Ibn Abī Najrān said, I heard Abā al-Hasan (عليه السلام) and he said: “Whoever hates our shī`ahs, has certainly hated us, and whoever follows them, has certainly followed us, because they are from us, and they are created from our clay. Whoever loves them has loved us, and whoever hates them is not from us. Our Shī`ahs see through the nūr (light) of Allāh, and they turn (move) in the mercy of Allāh, and triumph in the honor of Allāh. No one from our shī`ahs becomes ill except that we become ill due to his illness, they do not become sad, except that we are sad for his sadness. And they are not happy except that we are happy for his happiness, and nothing is concealed from us that is (concealed) from one of our shī`ahs, whether it is in the east or the west of the earth. And the debt that is left from our shī`ahs is our debt, and whoever leaves it from them the fortune is left to his heir.

شيعتنا الذين يقيمون الصلاة و يؤتون الزكاة و يحجون البيت الحرام و يصومون شهر رمضان و يوالون أهل البيت و يتبرءون من أعدائهم [من أعدائنا] أولئك أهل الإيمان و التقى و أهل الورع و التقوى و من رد عليهم فقد رد على الله و من طعن عليهم فقد طعن على الله لأنهم عباد الله حقا و أولياؤه صدقا و الله إن أحدهم ليشفع في مثل ربيعة و مضر فيشفعه الله تعالى فيهم لكرامته على الله عز و جل
Our shī`ahs are those who establish prayer, give zakāh, go on pilgrimage to Bayt al-Harām, fast in the month of RamaDān, follow the Ahl al-Bayt (عليهم السلام) and do bara’a from their (عليهم السلام) enemies [from our enemies], they are the people of Imān (faith), taqwa, the people of wara`a (piety) and taqwa. And whoever rejects them has certainly rejected Allaah, and whoever disputes with them, has certainly disputed with Allaah, because they are the true slaves of Allaah, and the genuine patrons of Allaah. By Allaah, Verily, each one of them will be able to intercede for as many (people as) Rabee`ah (a tribe) and MuDar (a tribe), so Allaah (accepts) the intercession for them due to his honor with/to Allaah (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ)
1.     Al-Sadūq, Sifāt al-Shī`ah (Tehran: Daar al-`Alami, n.d.), pg. 3, hadeeth # 5
2.     Al-Sadūq, FaDaa’il al-Ash-hur (Qum: Maktabah al-Daawiree, n.d.), pg. 105, hadeeth # 95


  1. Aboo Faatimah al-MuhammadeeSeptember 24, 2011 at 7:57 AM

    May Allaah bless you my brother. Great, great, great post!

  2. al-Salamu Aleykum,

    Your translation doesn't seem right to me... After mentioning that they become sad for your sadness and happy for your happiness, the Imam continues saying "And none of our Shia are concealed from us whether in the east of the earth or the west."

    ^ This means that the Imam in Madinah can see his follower in China and his other follower in Egypt both at the same time, they know the condition of their Shia, which is an attribute of Allah who is all seeing and all hearing.

    Also the Ghulu continues when he says "whoever disputes with them(Shia), has certainly disputed with Allah."

    I always dispute with Shia and most of the time they turn out to be wrong.

  3. Wa `Alaykum Assalaam,

    It isn't "and none" it is "and nothing". There is a big different.

    و لا يغيب عنا أحد من شيعتنا أين كان في شرق الأرض أو غربها

    The key thing is, those "shias" who you dispute with, are they really considered as TRUE Shias. That is the thing.

    There are a lot of "lip service" Shias, just like there are a lot of "lip service" mu'mineen.

    Wa `Alaykum Assalaam.
