Saturday, September 3, 2011

One Who Misses Jumu`ah Prayers

Here is a blog post by IslamicSalvation, which can be found here:

باب من فاتته الجمعة مع الامام
Chapter on the one who misses the Friday congregational prayer with the imam

علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن حماد بن عثمان، عن الحلبي قال: سألت أبا عبدالله (عليه السلام) عمن لم يدرك الخطبة يوم الجمعة، قال: يصلي ركعتين فإن فاتته الصلاة فلم يدركها فليصل أربعا، وقال: إذا أدركت الامام قبل أن يركع الركعة الاخيرة فقد أدركت الصلاة وإن كنت أدركته بعدما ركع فهي الظهر أربع  حسن

1. Ali bin Ibrahim from his father (Ibrahim bin Hashim) from Ibn Abi Umayr from Hammad bin Uthman from al-Halabiy who said : I asked Aba Abdillah عليه السلام  about the one who does not (reach in time - to) get the Khutbah on Friday?, He said : he prays the two Rakaat (of Friday congregational prayer), but if the prayer (i.e Friday congregational prayer - two Rakaat itself) elapses, and he does not get to it, then he should pray the four (i.e of Dhuhr), and He said : if you meet the imam before he goes into Rukuu in the final Rakaat (i.e which is the second Rakaat in the Friday congregational prayer) then you have joined the prayer, and if you meet him after he has gone into Rukuu, then it is four of Dhuhr (for you). (Hasan due to Ibrahim bin Hashim)

1 comment:

  1. Brother Nader, Salam Alaykum,

    Please provide for us source (book source) for this hadeeth.

    Jazakum rabbakum khayrul jazah
