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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Meaning of Munafiq

Here is a aī (Authentic) adīth on the meaning of the word munāfiq (Hypocrite).

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن عبد الله بن سنان قال كنا جلوسا عند أبي عبد الله ع إذ قال له رجل من الجلساء جعلت فداك يا ابن رسول الله أ تخاف علي أن أكون منافقا فقال له إذا خلوت في بيتك نهارا أو ليلا أ ليس تصلي فقال بلى فقال فلمن تصلي فقال لله عز و جل قال فكيف تكون منافقا و أنت تصلي لله عز و جل لا لغيره

From `Abd Allāh bin Sinān said, we were sitting with Abī `Abd Allāh when a man from the gathering said to him (عليه السلام), ‘May I be your ransom, O son of the Messenger of Allāh (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم), I fear upon myself that I am a munāfiq. So he (عليه السلام) said to him: ‘If you are alone in your house by the day or night, do you not pray?’ So he said: ‘Yes’. Then he (عليه السلام) said: ‘And who do you pray to?’ So he said: ‘Allāh (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ)’ Then he (عليه السلام) said: ‘So how can you be a munāfiq, and you pray to Allāh (عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ) and not other than Him’
1.     Al-Sadūq, Ma`ānī al-Akhbār, ed. `Alī Akbar al-Ghaffārī (Qum: Mu’assasah al-Nashr al-Islāmi, 1379), pg. 142, ḥadīth # 1
1.     `Āsif al-Muḥsinī said this ḥadīth is Mu`tabar (Authentic)
à Mashra`ah Bihār al-Anwaar, (Beirut: Mu’assasah al-`Ārif lil-Matbū`āt, 2nd ed., 1426) vol. 2, pg. 348


  1. Salam,

    We can probably assume that Aisha and the first three caliphs believed in Allah and prayed every day. But while they did that, they were also against Imam Ali, that mean they are against God.

    Is not that hypocritical?


  2. Salam,

    We can probably assume that Aisha and the first three caliphs believed in Allah and prayed every day. But while they did that, they were also against Imam Ali, that mean they are against God.

    Is not that hypocritical?


  3. Wa `Alaykum Assalaam,

    Our scholars have interpreted this hadeeth to show emphasis of ikhlaas (sincerity) in our prayers to Allaah. So while one might be praying to Allaah, he/she might not be praying fully and solely for Allaah (AZJ).

    Wallaahu A`lim

  4. إذا خلوت في بيتك نهارا أو ليل

    if you are by yourself (alone) in your house by day or night...
